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September 18th is World Bamboo Day!
Throughout time, bamboo has been thought of as a miraculous plant. Ancient wisdom alludes that bamboo holds a sacred status, therefore, being like bamboo is the key to happiness! Like bamboo, time & patience allows us to grow in strength and resilience, permitting us to bend without breaking. It represents harmony between man and nature.
Bamboo truly is a magical plant that continues to play an important roll as an ideal eco-friendly alternative that contributes to the planet. We can eat it, build with it, and even make products and clothing from it. Here are even more reasons to celebrate this amazing grass!
- There are over 1600 bamboo species worldwide.
- It is fast growing plant on earth according to the Guinness World Record!
- Bamboo is a popular food source in Asian cuisine.
- It does not require chemicals, pesticides or fertilizer to grow.
- Bamboo groves generates 30% more oxygen than most plants and absorbs two times more carbon dioxide than trees, reducing the effects of greenhouse gasses.
- It is self-replenishing making it’s root system ideal protection against soil erosion and landslides.
- The bamboo plant consumes very little water aiding in water conservation.
- It is known as “the new steel” – strong and durable, yet lightweight! In some areas of the world it is a popular building material for furniture and housing.
- It’s anti-bacterial / anti-fungal properties make it ideal for clothing. It’s soft and comfortable especially for those with sensitive skin. Check out our Swell Vision Bamboo Fiber Boxer Shorts
Nature is our greatest inspiration - Plant Bamboo!!