April Fools Day kicks off the start of Earth Month… and that's no joke!

In 1968, then junior high school student, Brad Follett, coined the term "Global Cleanup Month", as a local project to clean up the Canadaway Creek in Fredonia, NY, and by 1970 it became known as "Earth Month."
Throughout high school, Brad kept his finger on the pulse of other detrimental occurrences affecting the environment such as the oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, CA and the burial of hazardous waste at Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY. He also followed American politician and environmentalist, Gaylord Nelson, who founded Earth Day on April 22, 1970.
Fifty Three years later it has evolved into a global event with the slogan "Every Month is Every Month." This non-political, non-profit foundation is run entirely by volunteer staffers providing global assistance where is it needed most to help save the planet.
For more information on how you can contribute on a grass roots efforts in your local community, contact the non-profit organization Earth Month Network