Giving Back During the Holidays

Is there a better way to show gratitude than through action? I think not. This year Swell has teamed up with the Surfrider Foundation, Big Island Divers, and other groups to show our beaches some love. Having spent our formative years at the beach and in the ocean (also why we wanted our shades to float), we want to give thanks to our beaches by giving back. This holiday season the Swell team challenges you to get outside and volunteer your time to nature. Getting a group of community members together to go outside and clean up our natural habitat is a great excuse to barbecue and socialize. The Surfrider mission is to, " help support our chapter network in their campaigns, champion for policy and fight legal battles for our coasts, bring awareness to the issues facing our ocean, provide critical support on stuff like accounting, technology, and HR, and raise money to make all of this happen. We have an appetite for adventure and we all share a common passion - we love and appreciate our ocean, waves and beaches."
Send us pictures of you repping Swell swag while you give back and hashtag #swellvision you will be entered into a contest to win more gear. If you have a great idea for an environmental improvement in your area and want to partner with Swell please reach out (via email to: We love supporting communities and keeping nature as we found it, and we love hearing stories from our followers.